Protection for your business if the worst happens.
Buy/Sell Protection throughout Tennessee including Morristown, TN, Knoxville, TN, Bristol, TN, Johnson City, TN, and Kingsport, TN.
As a business owner, you know it’s important to think ahead and plan for the future. Buy/Sell agreements are a great way to plan ahead in the event you or your business partners have an untimely death.
A buy-sell plan is a legally binding agreement between business owners that outlines what will happen should one of you die unexpectedly. It covers topics such as how your business will be valued and how surviving owners could purchase the interest of the company.
A buy-sell agreement helps ensure:
- That your loved ones are taken care of
- Your business continues to operate
- Your business interests are sold at a fair price
- Your business and employees have a secure and stable future
Want to learn more? Talk to Andy Smith, our Financial Services Trusted Advisor, by filling out the quote request form below.
Buy/Sell Protection Proposal Request
As an independent agency, we offer multiple options at competitive prices.